
that '80s run | st. charles community college

Like, today was totally radical! We were one of about 10 Gold Sponsors of That '80s Run at St. Charles Community College and the exclusive photo booth at the big event in Cottleville.

Were you there? Scroll through and download, pin, tweet and share your photo booth photos from That '80s Run (April 26, 2014, St. Charles Community College)!

For the easiest way to share your totally tubular '80s outfit and photo, like us on Facebook and tag yourself (or share the whole album): That '80s Run, April 26, 2014!


All photos by BenandBeccalee, O'Fallon/St. Charles/St. Louis lifestyle portrait photographers.


Baby V | Day 4 | Newborn Photography by BenandBeccalee

Oh my gosh, what a sweet baby! This little guy fell fast asleep in a familiar position – coiled up in a teeny ball right in his mama's lap.

Look at those little fingers!


re-introducing: meggie h | mary cates salon

Can we say, beautiful? Meet Meggie, one of our recommended salon stylists for high school senior portraits. Not only is she an awesome and super-friendly stylist, but she's also a past client – we shot her senior photos back in 2011! And now you'll find her at Mary Cates Salon in Ellisville, Mo.

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