
look at that bundle of joy | august 2013

sleeping baby
We quickly found out that Baby K does not like to be swaddled. So, she may look like she's fast asleep, but be not fooled. She's just a good actress! #illposeallcuteifyoupromisethisisthelastone

smile for the camera, baby k

Baby in mom's arms
Awwwwwwwww. (Pretty sure no other word can describe it when Baby Kinley sleeps with a smile in Mom's arms.)

i'm with the band | aug. 7, 2013

band photo
musician photo
musician singing
After Becca's meetings this year at Westport Plaza, these guys kept the party going well into the night. We slipped out after 14 songs, but rumor has it they played nearly a 30-song set. That's some serious dedication!
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