
hand-off & hold tight | baby cam

Baby sleeping
Father and Son
As we prepared for this sweet sleeping baby photo, Eric and Ola got their little newborn all nice and tired, warm and relaxed. Two quick frames, and Cam's arms and legs popped right up. Going through the images after the shoot was done, his tiny little feet poking up ended up better than the photo with them gently tucked into Mom's hands.

You just never know. Ready, Fire, Aim...


shakespeare for kids | the tempest

Every year for the past four, we've helped document the impressive, and often hilarious, Shakespearean theatre productions by the Blazing Star Players -- a growing group of budding actors from the O'Fallon/Lake St. Louis, Mo. area. On this year's playbill, The Tempest

This year's makeup, costumes and staging blew away all of their past productions. For that matter, it far surpassed a great number of amateur productions we've ever seen. These kids and their director and coaches are seriously talented!
Kids version of Shakespeare's The Tempest
Shakespeare's Tempest, put on by O'Fallon, Mo. youths, March 2013
Theatre photo
Shakespearean jester
Live event theatre photo
Live theatre photo
Live theatre photo from Tempest
Live theatre action shot
Shakespearean Sprite
Live theatre photo
Young theatre actors
Shakespeare play photo
Live Shakespeare play photo
Children's Theatre Portrait
Do you have an upcoming event you'd like to have photographed? You know how to reach us!

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