
having a little fun ...

Child portrait


the haarbrinks, in living color

What great color choices by the Haarbrink crew for their early fall photos. The blues, purples, reds and whites worked perfectly with the scene at Faust Park in Chesterfield.


hailey | facebook cover collage

Facebook cover photoSince we go on most shoots together and since we both shoot, our models always come away with two different but complementary photo styles. Seven of the images in this Facebook collage are Ben's. Three are Becca's. She's more casual. He's more formal. Can you tell which images were made by Ben and which came from Beck? ...


i'll be two soon. too soon?

Photo of child


the newest member of our family

Baby Smiling
Baby Sleeping
Baby fireman photo
Extending a nice, warm, quiet welcome into the world to our youngest nephew, Colton Michael. Born at 6:07 a.m. Thursday, Sept. 6, 2012: 7 lbs. 7 oz. Sleep tight, little one. Don't grow up too fast.


just having a conversation with the 'rents

It's a quiet family Sunday, but we just had to share this sneak peek of Jake & Michaela and 2-year-old Hailey. Love how she looks so grown up, just chillin' on the front porch with Mom & Dad.


seuss style

Newborn baby in a bucket
Baby in Micky Mouse ears
Carter's "Grandma Bea" is super talented: she's the artist behind C's Dr. Seuss stocking cap and Micky ears.

... And a whole bunch of other knitted gear donned in Carter's debut session.

the smile says it all

Father and son photo
We. Love. Baby Photos. Congrats, Victoria and Adam, proud, new parents of Baby C -- born on Aug. 29 (Ben's birthday!) and photographed today. One of the best perks about newborn photography? Being among the first outside the hospital to see the baby. Never gets old.
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