Fun Facts about Becca's "home" state:
1. Utah mountain peaks, on average, are the tallest in the country. The average elevation of the tallest peaks in each of Utah's counties is 11,222 ft.--higher than the same average in any other state.
2. Utah is the only state whose capital's name is made of three words. All three words in Salt Lake City have four letters each.
3. The name Utah comes from the Native American Ute tribe meaning "people of the mountains."
4. Utah has five national parks: Arches, Canyonlands, Zion, Bryce & Capitol Reef.
5. Utah has seven national monuments: Cedar Breaks, Natural Bridges, Dinosaur, Rainbow Bridge, Grand Staircase-Escalante, Timpanogos Cave & Hovenweep.
6. Utah has six national forests: Ashley, Dixie, Fishlake, Manti-LaSal, Uinta, & Wasatch-Cache.
7. The federal government owns 65% of the state's land (it is any wonder with all those national parks, forests and monuments?!).
Ben has has yet to visit all the sites listed in #4. This September, he and his
father will head out to photograph Arches, Canyonlands and Capitol Reef. That will make him 100 percent complete. Then it will be on to the national monuments... someday.