Norah--3 years old
Oh, this girl. She is both a delightful and tyrannical little three year
old with eyes that both twinkle and rage. She's got opinions about who
FHE: April 17, 2017
Tonight Nelly's Family Home Evening assignment was music, and in addition
to selecting the songs she accompanied our opening song (Book of Mormon
First Snow of the Year
December 3rd was our first snow fall of the season and Beckett's first
time out in the snow. He didn't quite know what to think but he sure
wanted to sta...
It has been forever since I have blogged. I feel like I have been in
survival mode for quite some time. First it was surviving at my previous
job. Then I w...
Some stages to remember....
Some favorite pictures of stages I don't want to forget.
Ruby often shredder things with Simon - the basics like money and jewelry
were always a hit.
Disneyland 2015
We celebrated this land mark in our family by taking ourselves all to
Disneyland! Here are some notes I took about our ...
Two, ladies and gents
She's still a dainty little thing. She's hovered around 20 lbs since she
was nine months old. She's getting taller though, and sometimes I don't
know who i...
{ and she was blessed } ::
So ... I blogged about *segway tours* and *running the monument 10k* ...
but that same weekend of April 12th 2013 ... we were lucky enough to have
both se...
watch and learn
It's been forever. I know. Let's ignore that fact and enjoy a new cute
video of Oliver:
Also, don't you want to come for a ride with us? It's so fu...
Birthday Girl!
We love birthdays around here, so we were very excited when Kennady's 3rd
birthday rolled around. My parents came down and we went to lunch, opened
Two Years of Awesomeness
Wow. Munch is TWO! What?? It's hard to believe that she has been in our
lives for two years and at the same time it's hard to believe that she has
ONLY bee...
We finally got our dates. We enter the MTC in Provo on July 7, 2014. After
a week we leave to spend time training in SLC for 3 days. Then its home to
St. L...
my baby boy
I very rarely get pictures of me with my kiddos. He has a little food on
his face but he's so cute it's easy to overlook :)
I love this little boy
In addition to a lifetime-supply of batteries and a coiled mess of cables and twistie ties, tape and filters, here's a list of the gear we like to call our own...
5 Reader Comments :
I love them! You guys are awesome; thanks so much!
They are so cute! The last one is my favorite!
Love these pics. Can't wait to see the rest! You are wonderful!
They are fabulous!! Great job you guys.
Love these, always fun to look through your pictures!
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