
Years and years in the making


You'd never know it, but the Finnegans have never had a family photo taken. Well, okay, so that's not entirely true, if you count the "everyone dressed up and in the studio," as they put it. But as far as trudging out into the long, itchy grass, under the bright sun, and battling chilly temps, this was definitely a first.

Most of the shots here were taken with a 70-200mm lens and our Canon 5D, various lighting arrangements. More to come...

2 Reader Comments :

Crystal Hunter said...

You guys are incredible. You can take awesome pictures outside year-round. Seriously, how do you do it? You've got the knack.

Beck n' Ben said...

Aww, thanks! We have yet to shoot anything in the dead of winter. Nobody's been that daring. Us included!

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