Every photographer, every once in a while, simply has to shoot just for himself. You know: break away from the routine and shoot something extra special, something that has a particular significance to the person behind the camera -- be it mountains, flowers, a sunset, wildlife, sports, fireworks, or in today's case, a new addition to the family.
When you do, try something new. For us, today: No frills. No extra lights. No big bag of lenses. Just plain and simple. Think. Point. Shoot... With that all being said, we proudly present our new friend and niece, Peyton. Shot at various ISO levels, all with our Canon 5DII and trusty 50mm f/1.8.

Ben's favorite shot? The one smack dab in the middle: 'Dre enjoying but one of many congratulatory phone calls. This one, I believe, was from the
Quinneys. Correction! It was from the
Fishes. Or is that