
rounding out the week

Just a quick post here for the fun of it. These were some of the horizontals shot earlier in the week of some of the Remund clan, cropped even more horizontal to save space here and, well, just because.

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r is for remund, g is for good weather

We headed out to the park with the Remund family last night and got a bit lucky, since the forecast all day had been sketchy at best. That being the case, and seeing as how the rain ultimately held out, we ended up with some cool looking grey-blue skies and clean, even available light for an hour and a half. Way better than sun with a solid blue, clear sky.

Not much else to say; it's early, I've got to head in to work... All 10 shots, though, are from the new 5D and 17-40 Canon L. A great 1-2 punch.

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heavy metal rules

On a trip out to Stolze Printing today for a press check on the SCC annual report, the press folk gave me clearance to walk around with my 40D and take photos of the printing and binding machinery. There was, of course, a lot of hi-tech, newer equipment, but what I was interested in capturing was the older, cooler-looking stuff.

Ultimately, I am trying to compose/make/select images that might look cool on the walls of our newly painted and redesigned office at the college, rather than buy some generic Target or Gordman's pre-framed art... The final product would be three or five black-and-whites, not 16 green, black, and whites. Other offices in our hallway are hanging campus pictures and student images, which I find rather boring and, well, easy.


PS: Everything was shot at 1600 ISO to give texture and to give a slightly more aged appearance. No flash. Various shutter speeds and apertures... Curves and color tones adjusted in Lightroom 2.4.


a saturday of firsts in st. lou'

Saturday was an evening of firsts: First time out of the house with our new Canon 5D and 17-40mm ... first time to see Matt Holliday in a Cards' uniform (and he didn't disappoint) ... first time at the new City Garden in Downtown St. Louis (see other public photos HERE)... and the first time (as far as I know) that someone I know made the big screen at Busch Stadium...

To see the :12 video, search YouTube for "081509 Val Becca Cards Game"
or click HERE.


excitement and anticipation


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Yes. I should.


... of our favorite things

Just skimming through recent images over the past 2 months and found these ones (not that they were ever lost) and decided to share them. They're some of our faves that never posted.

There is one image that is totally random, we know. Ben saw it in the airport in Albuquerque: a shaker of hot stuff securely fastened to the wall. Them New Mexicans sure like their peppers.


someone's having twins...

... and no, it's not us. Becca and I experienced another first this past month: maternity photos. In about an hour-and-a-half, we put together about 50 shots inside and outside of Rachel and Brian's home and had a great time doing it. Yeah, it's always a bit stressful to shoot something you've never done before, but once you get going... And when you have such a great subject (or two... or four, in this case), it all comes together.

All of our inside shots were taken using two Alien Bees (except the silhouette). The outdoor shots shown here were all done with a prime 1.4 (if I remember correctly) ranging from wide open to f/8, no artificial light.

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