We promised more pix from the Williams family shoot, and who are we to disappoint? The first of the three photos here (blm) was a bit of an accident turned into something cool. We were a bit on the overkill side when it comes to lighting, but it really brought out the twinkle in Ainsley's eyes, even though we stripped it of almost all color. Photo #2 (blm) was shot more traditional-style, with a softbox stage left and an open bulb aimed at the ceiling to the right of the frame... Camera set to 1oo ISO, of course. Ahhh...what a couple of funny kids. Picture 3 (bam) was shot with the on-camera flash and our 50mm lens at a 1600 ISO. This was a hard shot to get since I was trying to get Porter to look at one hand whilst holding the camera with the other hand, and the real problem coming because, at f/1.8, it's hard to find a focal point (three or four completely missed the mark) in low light. Want to see more? Visit our online Picasa album for the entire shoot.
1 Reader Comments :
They look great! I am so excited to see the rest. Thank you so much for doing that for us!
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