
And we're back

We survived... Beck n' Ben made it back from Guate on Tuesday, and we have just a few hundred shots to show for it. Oh, and about a thousand Quetzales worth of souvenirs. If you're dying to see some of our pictures, click on the photo from this post (above). Oh, and for anyone interested, we were shooting with a Canon 30D (Sigma 17-70 f/2.8-4.5 lens) and a Canon Digital Elph. Needless to say, we were packing light.


Yeah, not ours either

Just when we thought the ol' niece couldn't get any cooler, Dad goes on vacation and snags this awesome shot! I love the water droplet on her nose.


Not one of ours

Yup, this is a photo courtesy of the almighty Google image search... We're excited for our trip next week to Guatemala, after which we'll surely post some pix of our own makin'.
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